
March 2, 2024 By Rhonda

A Poetic Expression

When you have no frame of reference for what God is doing in you
When He’s doing a new thing; and He’s doing it through and through
When you thought you had seen it all
Been there done that; winter spring autumn fall
When God Himself begins to stretch, convict, and reassure

When God invades every area of your personal space
Comes right in disrupts, rearranges your comfort zone
Lifts your head up, eyes wide open, you Feel it! You’re thinking/reflecting—
What is This? Something! I can’t explain
It’s deep, it’s special, it’s real, it not just a feel

It’s More; Holy Spirit help me Explore
My mind, heart, eyes, ears; let’s be honest even tears.
What is This? Gasping—–My heart!!! What. Is. This
I’m exposed and vulnerable I cannot explain
How when where what is This thing?

Can’t qualify it, can’t quite quantify it, it’s immeasurable I know
Wait. It’s slow and it’s steady—God, Am I ready
What is this? It’s like peace, goodness, joy, faith as a fluid that’s flowing
Blowing blown by a strong rushing wind; it’s like a refreshing rain after a long hot summer day
It’s like my ripe garden: yellow squash, tomatoes, corn, peppers, onions, broccoli, watermelon, collards galore.

My flowers and on and on and on, it’s like Harvest and time to Restore
It’s like giving thanks, preparing, sharing, caring, daring, glaring ahead into the unknown
Eyes shut tight but vision so clear and so bright
Oh God! What is This? My heart wide open, no really—-I’m not joking
I’ve never been here before, God what is This? How did this happen?

This thing bypassed my tall walls, removed all locks security system disarmed; combined defenses could not stop, This.
Jesus——-Jesus—–Jesus—What is This?
This thing opened my doors, I had them shut tight. Walked right in and the dark night became a bright light.
This thing came right into my home. It has a voice, sound, wisdom and It’s strong.
How did it reach so deep within….It can find you, make you smile and cause you to look again.

How did This happen
It was while worshipping God that you did this new thing
Yes, it was praise, it was worship. Lord, I felt your Glory and it was more.
I had this desire that grew and grew; it was unquenchable, My God is this You?
I cried, I prayed, I prayed, and I prayed…. Now I need the answer, so I studied and read Your Word.

I fasted and prayed, yes it helped but This thing stayed
It did not stop it. It only made it grow….
What do you do, when you know what you know
I was trained to critical think, on my toes, under pressure…..who knows
I must analyze this and trace the genesis…regain composure. Accept the exposure
But still acknowledge that it abides in my heart. What is this and when again did it start.

Singing out of tune but to my own rhythm of ‘This’….
”Spirit Lead Me Where My Trust is Without Borders” (Oceans/ Hillsong United).

Lord—to what does This compare?
I have no frame of reference, just an occasional glance a brief stare.
My head was saying, No! No! Stop! And Don’t!
Go! Go! Go!. Come Out! Up & Out! Oh No.
I tried and I tried but it would not budge. Finally came surrender
God you are in Control
I said Yes to your will Jesus, with my mind body spirit and soul.

To what can I compare This thing that has found me. It makes me cry out:
Our Father which art in heaven….
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want…Oh taste and see that the Lord is good…
For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son…..
As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?
Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls;
All Your waves and billows have gone over me.
The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime,
And in the night His song shall be with me—
A prayer to the God of my life.

Proclaiming…….My soul says Yesssss. Yesssss.
My soul says Yes. Lord my soul says Yes. Yes. Yes.
Yes Lord! Yes Lord! My soul says yes………………….
Then I hear the angels singing Amen in Crescendo.….