Jesus said: I give you the name Peter, a stone. And this rock will be the bedrock foundation on which I will build my church—my legislative assembly, and the power of death will not be able to overpower it! 19 I will give you the keys of heaven’s kingdom realm to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven, and to release on earth that which is released in heaven.” (Matthew 16: 18).
This is an exhortation to take your mouth off of God’s church. The church of the Living God. The Bride of Christ. And Yes the Local assembly. The local church. The church you used to go to. The church up the street. The church on this street or that street. The worldwide church the Body and the Building.
Get back to church. Get. Back. To. Church
Stop being deceived. Yes, she is imperfect. Yet God chose her. Yes. We are the Church but God wants us to come together in the church. The church where one can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight.
Where would you be without the church? The people who come to the buildings. Oh yes, you don’t need that ole church now. Now that you can walk and talk and change your own diaper. Now that you can hold your own head up and You can say more than Da da or Ma ma or ba ba..bottle………….
The people who come to the building. The ones who pray for you when don’t even know it. The ones you call when you get overwhelmed. The ones who laid hands on you when you were dying. The ones God directed to learn how to help, comfort, care for, watch over you. Yes, those people. Where would you be without those Flawed people who are yielded to God. Who follow the urging of the Holy Spirit concerning You.
Those people who wrote and sing the God inspired songs that strengthen your faith. The ones who come to the local church and worship God and pray for every branch of society.
Let me help you today. You do Need the church one way or the other. Catch the revelation that Jesus loves the church the whole Body of Christ and the local church.
Jesus loves the ‘Church, church’ so much that He closed the doors of corrupt churches and padlocked them. Jesus is uprooting the infection and debriding the infected wound removing necrotic dead tissues. Just like we need times of repentance. The local church needs times of repentance and refreshing. Where does the lost soul go for help? Where does the religious blind go for help. Where does the half dead go to be revived. Where does the rich lady go who has everything, yet has nothing. Where do the people go to linger in His presence. The ones who need urgent care, “Get me to the Altar, get the Oil and Help”. Where is the encouragement line, please. The crippled, listless, lifeless, wounded, bruised, confused, bereaved? The Local church where the sounds of the prayers of the righteous avail. Where spiritual gifts emerge, where equipping for the work occurs. Community planning and Kingdom agendas established. Activation, Impartation, Remembrance, Rejuvenation, Invigoration, Stirring, Healing, Deliverance, Comforting, Empowering, Feeding, Hungering, Thirsting, Refreshing, Loving, Giving, Receiving, Growing, Knowing, Anointing, Appointing, Helping and Changing—the church—the local church. Where it’s all about you-Christ in you—you—you be the change you want to see! Get back to church where you are needed and wanted. Wanted—Wanted—Wanted—-Wanted by God!
Open Up the Doors of the church. Let the Light flash and shine bright at the Entrance of the spiritual trauma care centers—the local church.
What are you saying, what’s your point? My point is:
Jesus loves His Bride. He enjoys visiting Her home (including the church building). Don’t throw the Baby out with the bathwater.