Don’t Take It Personal!

January 12, 2022 By Rhonda

Don’t Take It Personal! This is a word from the Lord that I want to share with you. I pray this encourages you.

When you feel like people are coming against you, you feel betrayal…..

When you feel like, Why? Why is it that the people you have sacrificed for, helped, held up, and supported, see it as a bad thing or see you as bad….offensive.

When you feel like people have no use for you when they can’t use you and take advantage of your kindness any longer…

Let me help you today, please Don’t take it personal. I want to encourage you to resist the spirit of offense. People may have personal issues that they are battling as they strike out against you. Consider that while people attack and lash out at you, they may be dealing with challenging issues that you are not aware of. The enemy is using the tactic of offense. The Word of God tells us to be slow to anger.

The persons that are attacking you, so to speak, may have personal challenges like secret addictions, health crisis, lack of finances, troubled relationships, dealing with their own bad decisions, depression, feeling defeated, hopeless, and helpless.

Instead of being quick to take offense and become offended, think about your options. I mean the options that will benefit both you and them. Options that you have as a follower of Jesus Christ. Options like the fruit of the spirit (Look it up Galatians 5). Options like praying for them. Standing in the gap and interceding on their behalf. Pray for them deeply and sincerely. If you can help them, help them but do not compromise your faith walk and do not enable them in antichrist conduct.

Pray and ask the Father to give you wisdom in how to handle the situation. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how to pray for them. But don’t take it personal. I understand that when people attack you and accuse you, it is personal. However, we all have the option of deciding how to respond. Choose to respond in love. You can respond in love while setting and maintaining healthy boundaries.

You have a choice, I want to encourage you—don’t take it personal. Here’s what James chapter 1 says, ”  Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Make a decision today that 2022 is the year of no offense for you. Decide that you will not be easily and quickly offended. The spirit of offense is a tactic of the enemy and it is sent to distract you from your Kingdom position. Think of the spirit of offense (frequently becoming offended) as a spirit of distraction to sway your mind from Kingdom of God mindset to a limited carnal worldview mindset. As a follower of Christ, we need a Biblical worldview mindset. What I am saying is, put on the mind of Christ and do not make provision for the flesh. Invite the Holy Spirit in to every area of your life; including your feelings and emotions.

You must be led by the Holy Spirit not by your emotions. Yes, acknowledge and process your feelings and emotions but do not make ungodly unwise decisions, that will only produce rotten fruit. Be slow to anger, slow to offense but quick to forgive. Extend grace and mercy and follow Jesus’ examples.

Please don’t take it personal when you ‘feel’ that others are accusing and attacking you. First, recognize that Satan is the accuser. Then quench every fiery dart sent your way with your weapons of love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, compassion. Finally be steadfast and unmovable abounding, maintaining your faith walk.

Do not take it personal. Pray for them sincerely, help them where you can as the Holy Spirit directs you, encourage them. But please don’t take it personal. The thing to remember, when people are coming against you–they are actually coming against God. I mean really–when God is for you who can really be against you. So, don’t take it personal don’t become offended. Extend extra grace. Forgive quickly like Jesus is forgiving. The Father forgives us in spite of our shortcomings and in spite of when we miss the mark. God loves us with an overwhelming love, an all consuming love and He never holds it against us. Yes, God cares about our feelings and we should cast all of our cares upon Him and learn of and follow Jesus example.

I pray that you take a First Corinthians 13 position: “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” by the power of the Holy Ghost and the fire of God. I pray that you are delivered and set free from the every ungodly attachment.

I pray that you are delivered from the spirit of offense and that you are filled with the Holy Spirit and the have the spirit of revelation, power, wisdom, and insight from God. That you persevere in the faith and remain steadfast and unmovable, unshakable and firmly planted in Christ Jesus. I declare Isaiah 54:17 over your life that no weapon that is formed against you will prosper, and we cancel the assignment of every ill spoken word that is sent against you, every fiery dart sent to you is quenched and falls to the ground. I decree the blessings of Ephesians 6: 10-18 over you in the name of Jesus.

Be Encouraged