Transferrable Skills

January 2, 2022 By Rhonda

Transferrable Skills


From Spiritual to Natural,

Natural realm to Spiritual Realm.

Transferrable Skills.


Transferrable-capable of being taken from one place to another, able to be used in different situations.

Skill-A talent or ability that comes from training or practice, Capacity to do something well; technique.

Transferable skills, also known as “portable skills,” are qualities that can be transferred from one job or life circumstance to another.

Transferable skills are skills and abilities that are relevant and helpful across different areas of life. This is a specific set of skills that don’t belong to a particular niche, they are general skills that can be transferred. Transferable skills develop as you progress through life.

You can take skills that you acquired throughout your life and continue to build on them and also reinvent yourself using the skills.

For example, you can take the skills you have learned in your career or job and use those same skills in your personal life.

Say you worked as a customer service rep. You can still use your customer service rep skills in your prison ministry or in your family life or a hobby.

Transferrable Skills from Spiritual to Natural and Natural to Spiritual

Have you ever thought about why? Why did you work in this particular industry or that certain place? Or that business or this. Or stay at home and raise your family. Have you ever stopped and thought about all the different skills that you’ve acquired during your life. Did you ever look around, I mean really look; and think everything I see started somewhere.

Spiritual to Natural.


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

The Holy Spirit will hover over your life when you yield to Him. God will shape and mold your life into His beautiful work of art.


In the Beginning, it started in the Spirit in the thoughts of God and then God said…..and it was so. (God is a Spirit) And now we see it, we experience it, and we exist and survive because of it.

Invite the Spirit of the living God in to your skill set.

So, here we are. We have these accumulated skills. Now what? Full Circle.

I want to encourage you to enjoy your life. Never stop inventing you. You be the person who brings joys and fulfillment to your life.

Natural to Spiritual.

Use your skills to let your great light shine bright.

What skills did you acquire when you worked as a security guard or nursing assistant or customer service rep. Security may have taught you to pay close attention, be prepared for the unexpected, take inventory, secure entrance and exit points, discern countenance, know what key works for what door, who has authorized access, what do you do when intruder comes, protect, defend, keep a sharp eye, extra attention to the most valuable resources, what are the weak and strong points…………………

TRANSFERRABLE Skills…Full Circle….Work for and in the Kingdom of God. Training Manual the Word of God. Teacher Holy Spirit. Purpose— Do the work You’ve been trained to do. Put the Word of God in your mouth and do it. Say it. Pray it. Decree it. You have been Authorized. Do it in the Spirit. Do it in the name of Jesus Christ.

Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. 2 Cor.3:17

You are now free to use your TRANSFERABLE SKILLS


Use what you got. Use your skills to be a blessing to others. For every person that rejects you, there are many many more who will gladly accept and receive you.

Use your skill and abilities to share the love of God in your personal and professional life. Use your talents, skills, and abilities to glorify Jesus.

Use your skills. Your life is valuable, you matter, your life has meaning. You are not limited to your past. You have skills. Use your skill to develop your life and bring God glory.

The world needs you. That’s why you are here at this particular time in history. You got skills! Know use what you got. Use your transferrable skills to advance the Kingdom of God.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,  since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24.

Transferrable Skills


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