Prayer Changes Things

October 1, 2021 By Rhonda

Prayer Changes Things

Let me Encourage You

A part of my assignment is to strengthen and encourage the Body of Christ. I want to see people come to Jesus and receive the gift of Salvation. Once you are Saved you need to Grow in the Faith. I want to see you operate in your Kingdom assignments and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit both in and outside of the ‘four walls’ of the church. I want you to grow. The local church is essential and there is absolutely nothing like corporate worship and coming together to fellowship. However, our coming together should be to equip for the work of the ministry outside of the church. Every Believer is called to minister and serve. God has given gifts, spiritual gifts. Every Believer needs to understand the ministry and working of the Holy Spirit within you. What does God want to do through you, through your life. There is Greatness inside of you, and the Greatness wants to come out to be expressed. Stir up the gift of God that is inside of YOU.

Prayer is needed in order to do this. God is looking at your heart as you come to him in prayer. Prayer is you talking to God and agreeing with what His Word says. I believe that as you learn in school and in life you should take what you have learned and apply it. The Bible discusses all kinds of prayers and that we should always pray and not loose hope. I enjoy reading and studying and sharing the goodness of God. Many people are blind to the freedom of God and living in religious bondage because all they know is what they have learned in ‘church’ or their denomination. God is not limited by your man-made traditions or the lies, misunderstandings, or false knowledge that you have been taught. Don’t you want to know God? I mean really know Him on a personal intimate level. A level beyond what you can attain on a Sunday morning for a couple hours per week. It is time to go deeper, to draw closer, to look into the eyes of God and experience His deep love for you.

It is time for many in the Body of Christ to stand up, grow up, and do as Scripture tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15 to study the Word of God to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman who needs not be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Not just for the purpose of acquiring knowledge about God but for the sole purpose of Knowing God. Knowing His Will (His Word) and His plan for you.

Your life is limited to the information that you have been exposed to. Could this be why you are discouraged, why you are not experiencing the victory and promises of God. I believe that when you step into your kingdom assignment and purpose, you will experience the true Joy of the Lord. When I come across good news and the revelation of the Word I like to share it. In fact, I consider it my privilege and responsibility to share it. Don’t you like to share when you find out about a good deal or sale, or free giveaway? We don’t have to reinvent any wheel God wants us to pick up the baton and run the race that is before us.

Do you believe that God has more for you, that He’s calling you to come up higher. That He has an assignment that only you can complete. An assignment that He placed in you before He put you in your mother’s womb. A calling and a purpose for you. Stop Running! It’s time for you to embrace the call, to say Yes. Once you give God your yes, the Holy Spirit gets to work. This is why you are reading this right now. The Holy Spirit wants to lead and guide you. Receive it. Do you feel that God has More for you?

Are you a Jonah? On the Run. On the Run from your call, your God assignment! “Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai, saying, “Get up, go to Nineveh, the great city, and cry out against it, because their wickedness has come up before Me”. But Jonah got up to flee to Tarshis from the presence of the Lord. Jonah 1:1-3

I want to share this ‘Prayer of Repentance for Jonah’s’ from the book titled, “Prophet, Arise by Apostle John Eckhardt” Page 157. I strongly encourage you to read this book. There is no affiliation or any such thing. I read this book and it has blessed my life tremendously and I want to share it with you. Whether you believe that you are called into a prophetic office, ministry, or gift of prophecy I encourage you to pray this prayer of repentance to the Lord from your heart. First Corinthians 14:1 says “Follow after love; yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.”. The Bible says you should desire to prophesy. We should always prophesy the Word of the Lord.

Also, if you are currently operating in a Fivefold ministry grace (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher) or gifts of the spirit I want to encourage you to pray this prayer as well. As you release your faith in agreement with this prayer, I prophesy a refreshing for you. You will no longer be weary but will have a renewed strength and a renewed joy. A fresh fire and a fresh move of the Holy Spirit for you. Be encouraged. God still has More for You.

First read over the Prayer and think about it then determine if you agree with it. This is what Repentance is, thinking and having a change of mind. A mind of agreement with the Word of God. If you agree, then pray it or say it from your heart, from you to God. God wants you free, out of bondage and confinement. Jesus has come to set you free and free indeed. As a Believer, what you say has power. The power of life and death is in your words; speak life. Open your mouth and speak the prayer out aloud also, it’s good to hear your voice, your thought, your mind, your heart speaking. God is listening. When you are done spend some quiet time with Jesus, sit quiet and now it’s your turn to listen.

Prayer of Repentance to Jonah’s

Lord, I repent for running from my calling.

I will turn around and obey the call.

I will not be rebellious anymore.

I will not allow fear or rebellion to cause me to run from the prophet’s call.

I submit my life to You, Lord.

I submit y tongue to speak Your word.

I submit my eyes to see Your vision.

I submit my life and time to being a prophetic voice.

I accept my assignment and the grace I need to fulfill it.

I will not be a Jonah.

I will go to my Nineveh.

I will speak your Word.

Let any trouble I have experienced in running from the call leave my life.

Let Your peace return to my life.

Let Your you return to my life.

I renounce and turn away from any behavior that is contrary to the prophet’s call.

I turn away from any religious tradition that would keep me from obeying this call.

I will not be afraid to do what I have been sent to do.

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.