To God Be the Glory

September 24, 2021 By Rhonda

What! What is it?

What are you believing God for?

What do you need?

What is it that is troubling you?

What are you afraid of?

Whatever it is, Let’s give it a name “After This”. We are naming Your it ‘After This’ as a prophetic declaration by our faith in Jesus, that your ‘After This’ will pass. “Your ‘After This’ is Right Now”. Receive it.

I want to share with you some living power words that I received at “Glory After This” Gathering Hosted by Ambassador Prophetess Sophia Ruffin. It is a list of Decrees that was given out to the attendees and it continues to bless me tremendously. I want to share it with you. The back story to how God ordained and called for this Glory Gathering is an absolute Testimony to the power of God and how He deals with His Prophets to help His people. God gave Sophia a mandate at what could be described as the most difficult time of her life, the day before her Mother transitioned to be with the Lord. She carried out the mandate with a grace that Only God could give at such a time. I am so proud of her and her obedience to the Holy Spirit. The Glory Gathering was truly established and conducted by God and on the last day when Jesus Literally Entered the Room and Took Over!!! The Glory of God———– I felt the Weight of His Glory.

Romans 8:18 I consider that what we suffer at this present time cannot be compared at all with the glory that is going to be revealed to us. (GNB)

For I consider [from the standpoint of faith] that the sufferings of the present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us! (AMP)

Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. (NLT)

Before I list these powerful words, I want to honor my Pastors. I was like that child who goes on vacation and has soooooo much fun. But, can’t wait to get back home. I thank God for Pastors Jerry Weinzierl and Joy Weinzierl, I thank God for the exponential spiritual growth I have experienced at home: Grace Christian Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan.  

“After This Decrees”

No matter the suffering I am experiencing in my life, it can’t be compared to the Glory that shall be revealed in, and through me After This.

For with an unveiled face, I shall behold the glory of the LORD After This.

I shall be transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another After This.

I declare I shall see the Glory of the Lord in my life After This.

I declare I will arise, and shine for my light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon me After This.

I declare that because I love GOD all things will work together for my good After This.

I declare I will receive supernatural strength to complete my assignment After This.

I declare I will live, and not die After This.

I declare I will receive a second wind After This.

I declare every Angel assigned to my life will minister and assist me After This.

I declare Holy Spirit will give me courage, and strength to continue After This.

I declare I will bounce back After This.

I declare I will continue, and stay mentally sane After This.

I declare I will praise, worship, and be even more committed to my destiny After This.

I declare I shall prosper, and excel After This.

I declare a new song, and a new sound After This.

I declare fresh oil After This.

I declare new revelation, and insight After This.

I declare new joy After This.

I declare financial increase in my life, and my bloodline After This.

I declare new ministries will emerge and come forth After This.

I declare new doors, new opportunities; new miracles, signs, and wonders After This.

I declare favor After This.

I declare a new mantle After This.

I declare an outpouring of God’s goodness After This.

I declare everything I need to accomplish my assignment is released to me After This.

I declare the old passed and the new has come forth After This.

I declare new relationships After This.

I declare greater glory After This

I declare no matter what this season has been for me, it’s not worthy to be compared to what GOD has given me After This.

I declare After This is now!!!

For truly there shall be glory After This!

I feel strongly that this Glory Gathering needs to be chronicled, documented, remembered, shared, and referred to as “The Glory”. A defining moment in the realm of the Spirit. I am truly grateful to God for the great privilege of ‘Being There’.

Jesus, I thank you. Thank you God. Thank you Holy Spirit.

Jude 1:24-25 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 25 to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.