Go Walk the Talk

March 24, 2021 By Rhonda

Welcome to Go Walk the Talk

Go Walk the Talk is an Online Ministry. There are conversations that need to be had that might not exactly fit into the type of things we discuss openly say at Bible Class or Prayer Meeting. I want to create a space where we can share our life experiences as a Testimony to the love and saving grace of Jesus.

We bring a lot to the table. The thing we are going through or have gone through might be the breakthrough someone else is praying for. I want you to feel free to express yourself. To share not only from your own experience but from a place of the accumulated knowledge you have gained from living.

What I mean by this is, just because you Post something it does not mean that it is your personal situation or experience. It could be something you have learned from life. Like life nuggets we learn just from living.

With open arms and a big hug everyone is invited to the table. This is a free faith space. No condemnation, No rebuke, No judgment let’s just be real. My goal is to Encourage you and to convince you of the absolute Love of God for you.

Go Walk the Talk is not a church. However, I pray that you seek God and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to a local church where you can grow in the knowledge of God and where your faith journey can be nurtured. I know some disagree in the need for local church but the local church family offers so many benefits where you can give and receive.

‘We’ are the church, the Ecclesia, the Body of Christ, the very family of God. There is something about being connected to a local church that is life transforming.

There is a certain type of move of the Holy Spirit that happens in corporate worship that is unique to the gathering of believers, a witness, an outstretched hand to nonbelievers, an open show of the very love of God (Saying Come to Jesus).

I believe in the power of the Five Fold Ministry as described in Ephesians 4:11-12: “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets, and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry; for the edifying of the body of Christ:”   

GoWalktheTalk.com    We all have much to offer. We can talk about our faith, share scripture and prayer but I want you to go deeper; to be Empowered and Equipped to ‘Go’. Please feel free to Post, join the conversation, let your voice be heard, and share what’s on your mind.  I’m Rhonda and I welcome you to ‘Go Walk the Talk.’

Get Excited!